Web programming languages

Web programming today is one of the most in-demand areas of activity. The Internet in recent years is undergoing rapid development and improvement. Until recently, most people had no idea why they might need the Internet in their lives, but now the situation has turned 180 degrees – most people can not imagine their life without access to the Net. 10-15 years ago the Internet was seen only as an amateur platform where people played games, watched movies and corresponded, but now it has become much more mature and offers incomparably greater opportunities.

Today’s Web is a full-fledged sector of the global economy, with hundreds of billions of dollars in turnover, all the services in the world, active trade, educational courses, and a variety of services. Now more and more often the situation is that it’s easier to order goods in an online store and get the delivery at your door, rather than going out of your house to the store across the street. That’s why the field of web programming is experiencing such a boom and can provide a profitable job for any more or less normal specialist. Web programming languages used here are increasingly becoming the object of study for beginners, as they give an opportunity to move quickly enough from learning to practice and earn money. Let’s consider the list of languages for Web development, which now enjoy the greatest popularity.

All programming languages, which are used in the Internet sphere, can be divided into two large groups:

Client programming languages. The essence of these languages lies in the fact that the code written in them is processed by the client device of the user himself: smartphones, computers, tablets, and so on. This includes web programming languages such as JavaScript, Visual Basic. The pros of these scripts are called a high speed and lack of load on the server, disadvantages – a large number of problems with compatibility with different types of devices, browsers, unwillingness or inability to install the right software to correctly display the contents of the page;
Server languages. Unlike the previous class, server languages create programs and instructions that are processed directly by the servers of various Internet resources and services. All processes of processing of user requests here occur on servers, and the client only has to get a ready result on his request. But here there is a strong dependence on the “iron” and the software of the server itself. If it is bad, even a good computer will work slowly. Typical server languages are C++, Java, Perl, Python, Php.

HTML is a standardized hypertext markup language developed by Zern scholar Tim Berners-Lee in the early 1990s. HTML was originally created for use in academia for the purpose of transferring documentation, research papers, and research results between scientists and engineers. The language offered a fairly simple set of commands that anyone could easily master in a relatively short amount of time. With the help of special descriptors “tags” in the HTML document set the basic objects: fields, lines, headers, tables, and so on.

CSS is an uncomplicated language that is used in conjunction with the previous one. CSS – cascading style sheets, which are needed to design an initially dry and monotonous document in a colorful and more “live” in tones. With this language, the appearance of Web sites radically transformed – added animation, transition effects, beautifully formatted text, tables. Lists and other such things.

PHP – this is a more serious than previous languages, which has a huge amount of functionality and is able to fully support even the complex multi-functional sites. With the help of php are created colorful dynamic websites, complex web applications, chat rooms, forums and other serious scripts.

Java .
Often you can still see the web applications in Java. They have their own characteristics and advantages, among which are called such:

The ability to interact more easily with the memory of devices;
Ability to solve non-standard situations;
Good ability to filter events and information;
A large set of standard features;
With the help of Java it is possible to create functional network applications.

Another great multifunctional language. With his help a simple unsightly page on the Internet acquires a mass of useful and convenient features: animation effects, buttons, page navigation, various built-in features. Scripts in JavaScript can respond to certain events, make requests to the server side, to work with cookies, automate and check the data entered in various fields.

These are the languages most often used to create websites and for web applications. This area of programming is very diverse and interesting.